We’re back! We had a wonderful two week vacation, and then I came down with an utterly wretched summer head and chest cold a couple of days after we got home, which is why I decided not to post an update last Friday. (And, we’d just gotten home so I was still decompressing.) Even as I write this, I’m still recovering from it- it’s one of those nasty little buggers that’s going to linger for a while and slow me down. But that doesn’t matter, because… as promised, we have some BIG NEWS!

Yep. You’re not seeing things.
The Ocypete is finished!
I can’t even begin to explain how excited and relieved I am to finally be here! The Ocypete is complete! The cover is complete! The beta readers have been submitting feedback, and while they’re not all complete yet, the feedback I’ve gotten has been remarkably consistent and indicated the book was in a publishable state. After a few minutes of soul searching (okay, probably more like a few seconds,) I decided we’d release it without any rewrites and only a smidge of further editing. There comes a time when you just have to accept the errors that remain, and I’m sure there are many, and get it out there.
It’s Live Right Now?!
So… if you’re reading this, The Ocypete is available for pre-order (e-book version) on Amazon.com RIGHT NOW. Go ahead, get you a copy on reserve, I’ll wait! The best part? You don’t have long to wait- the Kindle version releases in 15 days!
Paperback and Hardback versions are also coming, but since Amazon doesn’t let authors set pre-orders for those (unless the books are printed elsewhere), they aren’t on the site yet. I’m going to publish the paperback and hardback versions of the book on August 1st, which means any copies ordered should arrive around the same time or shortly after the Kindle version launches on August 5th.
The Cover!
One of the biggest parts of the buildup to release was the cover, which was designed by the fabulous, talented Pici Marie (https://asiagopeach.wixsite.com/portfolio). Pici has been involved in this project from the earliest drafts, all the way back to when I wrote the foreword and Chapter 1. Their feedback then and since has been a vital guiding light as I navigated my way both through the ship and through the writing process to where we are today. I could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs about Pici and their skills, but… let’s see the covers!

I have to admit, I scream with joy a little bit every time I see it! It’s exactly the kind of cover I was after; minimalist but with subtle clues as to the content of the book itself. I won’t go into a big breakdown of the various meanings right now, but someday soon I promise, I will. I struggled a bit with the back cover text (aka the “blurb,”) but I’m happy with the final result. I hope it proves enticing to anyone who might come across it on a book shelf some day!
What, that’s it?
Yeah, it is! What more do you want?
- The Ocypete is functionally finished!
- The Kindle (e-book) version is live for pre-orders now and will release on August 5th, 2023.
- The physical editions will be live on or around August 1st, so that early orders will be fulfilled shortly after the e-book goes live.
- The cover kicks ass, if I say so myself.
- There’s more stuff coming down the pipe in due course, which I haven’t talked about yet… but will soon.
Now get outta here and go pre-order a copy!